Medellin: A Dynamic City- Day 4 to 5

September 5, 2017 – September 6, 2017


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Starting to write the next post in my Colombia / Panama series, I noticed I left something off from the last: Salsa Dancing! On our third day in Medellin, Monday September 4, my dad and I went salsa dancing with lessons at DANCEFREE. My dad, in his mid-sixties, started salsa dancing a little over a year ago for my sister’s wedding. He enjoyed it so much, he kept going in Colorado and during his stay in Medellin. Now I want to go salsa dancing at a club near my home. I love being active, but I often need to have my mind occupied as well as my body during exercise. Salsa dancing does just that. Hopefully I can keep going to places in DC.

The next day, my dad and I took it easy. Instead of going to Juan Valdez for our daily coffee shop trip, we went to Pergamino where I studied Korean and he wrote. I enjoyed the cappuccino and the shop itself was quaint. Since it is quite a popular place for tourists and some locals, it was quite noisy. Pergamino is the type of coffee shop you should visit to have conversations with friends, not to study or write. We then ate an early lunch in El Poblado at a charcuterie restaurant,  Bonhomia. The food was great, but the presentation was even better. Both my dad and I thought the layout of the meat and cheese on the charcuterie board was well done. After that, we took the train to Parque de los Pies Descalzos or the Barefoot Park, the only new place we visited that day. While people should enjoy the park barefoot, I was one of the few who actually did on that day. It actually is quite difficult to walk barefoot through the bamboo forest at the park due to the gravel on the paths. However, I of course dealt with it and walked without shoes. I never pass up a chance to walk barefoot.

On the next day, we saw some new sites and the nightscape of the city. Prior to our trip, I noticed that we would be in Medellin during the full moon. One of my long term photo projects  is to get a good photo of the full moon over a city. My dad suggested that we go to Nutibara hill, from which we are able to see the whole city. Before dark, we walked around Pueblito Paisa and enjoyed a coconut limeade as we waited for the sun to set. Unfortunately, we could not see the moon due to cloud coverage. We could see lightning in the distance, but taking photos of lightning is even more difficult than the moon with my current camera equipment. However, I took some gorgeous photos of the city at night from there. Maybe next time I will get that photo of the moon and if I am lucky, maybe lightning as well.

Until next time!
