Let’s All Drink Tea and Learn About the World!

Hello again,

It has been awhile since the last time I have posted. Life keeps me busy, but now I can finally give effort to updating my photos. Last August, I moved from South Korea to Washington D.C. for graduate school at Georgetown University. My coursework has prevented me from working on my photos as much as I would like. The previous post, of course, come from my life prior to Georgetown. These next photo blogs focus my life during school. After starting school, I explored Washington DC and Georgetown throughout the seasons. Over Christmas break, I visited my hometown of Denver, Colorado and experienced a Colorado winter that I have been missing for years. After Christmas break, I returned to DC to continue school. Despite the inability to focus on photography, I found time to take some wonderful photos of Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania. Now that summer is here, I have had time to travel a bit more and update my photos. I visited a friend in Arizona, where we visited a peach farm. On that same trip, I also visited a friend in the Cayman Islands and enjoyed life on the beach.

Hope you all have a happy summer and thanks for visiting my page!