Doors of the Decade

The Year of 2019

Let’s see, where should I start. I’ve experienced quite a busy year through life changes, family changes, and job changes. I haven’t had many chances to work on my photography, much less write out a blog and post it. Hopefully, I can get all caught up before the end of the decade.

When I started a new job in 2018, I found a group of photographer buddies among my coworkers. While I have always found comfort in solo photography walks, the socialization of photography has created new inspirations and has encouraged me to take my photography even farther. Solo and in a group, I have explored more areas of Washington DC and even throughout the DMV. It has been quite an enjoyable photography year and I hope 2020 will even be more so.

Adams Morgan

I began the year with a solo photography trip around Adams Morgan, Washington DC. Although I am not much of a spring season person (allergies and bees scare me), seeing Washington, DC come alive after a deep cold can brighten any day. Adams Morgan is one of my favorite neighborhoods in DC. Not only does the neighborhood has a number of wonderful coffee shops and restaurants, but the row houses full of colorful flowers and trees encourages a sense of wonder. Washington, DC is well known for its bright and colorful springs and Adams Morgan lives up to this reputation.

Cherry Blossom Festival + Passport DC

In celebration of spring, Washington, DC hosts a Cherry Blossom Festival. While I have attended parts of the festival, this is the first year that I attended the parade. Standing outside watching people walk by, generally is not something I would want to photograph. However, I attended this event with my coworker. As our first co-photograph outing, I greatly enjoyed the social aspect of this outing. This outing led to my coworker and I to organize another photo opportunity outing with two new coworkers. Washington, DC is also known for its diversity. With all the embassies in one city, it is no wonder that Washington DC would plan an event to honor the embassies and their home countries, Passport DC. On this day, we visited a number of embassies to sample foods, watch performances, and take lots of pictures. I of course particularly enjoyed the Embassy of Myanmar’s activities. Embassy of Mexico also had some great performances.

Hike Trips + Double Exposure

This year was also a year of hiking and photography experimentation. I visited short hikes near Washington, DC like Great Falls, Cunningham Falls, and Calvert Cliffs.  One of my coworkers also has the same camera as me. She started to experiment with double exposure. Her experimentation inspired me to try new methods, including double exposure and learning how to use lens filters more effectively. All in all, it has been a wonderful year and I look forward to 2020.

Until next time,
