
Kawagoe, Japan – 2019

I enjoy traveling around the world and have used photography as a way to reflect and appreciate different countries, cultures, and people at a deeper level. While most of my photography centers on travel photography– the places I go, things I see, and people I meet– I am expanding into project-oriented photography, portraiture, and even graphic design.

In 2016, I decided to found Waywire Photography, which in its name, emphasizes an appreciation for culture and travel. The name ‘Waywire’ is a play on words in three different languages–Korean, French, and English–the languages that I know to varying degrees. The pronunciation of ‘way’ has a different definition in each language, whereas ‘wire’ (or wyr) represents the meaning of each word.

‘W’ = 왜 (Korean for why)
‘Y’ = ouais (French for yeah)
‘R’ = route (English synonym)

Please enjoy the photos. If you have any questions, fill out the contact form here or email me at waywirephotography@gmail.com.

Thank you ㅅ_ㅅ