Capitals of Asia – Tokyo

June 6 – June 10, 2018

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Our goal for Japan was to do activities that both E and I had not done. Since we both had visited Tokyo at different times, this goal was somewhat difficult to achieve. With four days in Japan (one day consisted of a wedding), we found  Tokyo to still be an exciting city.
We arrived in Tokyo in the evening, checked into our AirBnB in Akihabara, and had to rush to meet E’s cousin, and his (now) wife, for dinner. That dinner was probably the most expensive meal I had ever had. A variety of dishes consisting of Kobe beef. While the food was delicious and definitely worth trying once, I would not want to try it again. I prefer Kaiten sushi (conveyor belt sushi) to any other expensive Japanese dish. Those restaurants are affordable and always fun. The next day, we enjoyed Kaiten sushi and visited a Japanese onsen (outdoor spa/bathhouse) with E’s cousins. Since we hadn’t had a lot of time to relax on this whole trip and did a TON of walking, the spa trip was a much needed respite. I don’t think my feet had ever hurt as much in my life as it did on this trip.
We were on our own for the second and third day in Tokyo, so we used it to our advantage by visiting Tsukiji market for breakfast sushi, Ghibli Museum, Asakusa market, Sensoji temple and DisneySea! I always enjoy traditional (souvenir) markets like Asakusa and the Sensoji temple. Even food markets like Tsukiji really highlighted the food tour portion of the trip. However, Ghibli Museum and DisneySea are interesting attractions as well. Despite the heat and my motion sickness, E and I both enjoyed DisneySea. The best part of DisneySea was the evening light show and the giant floating magician’s hat. Although we did not understand the language of the shows, DisneySea felt like another world in another country.
We celebrated the wedding of E’s cousin on the final day of our epic Capitals of Asia trip. We wish his cousins a happy future and thank them for inviting us to their gorgeous wedding. We enjoyed meeting their friends and celebrating all together over delicious food and cheers.
Until next time,
